Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Headaches — Herbs and Aromatherapy

By on 2:13 AM

From the nagging throb of the temples like one's head is in a vice, to the incapacitating agony of a migraine or stress headace...practically everyone is familiar with some sort of headache pain, yet most are not aware of the many natural alternatives to conventional pain killers for headache relief. Headaches being far more common than even the common cold, it is not surprising that in the European Community countries, about 85 percent of over-the-counter analgesics are bought for headache treatment.

What too few know is that long-term use of these painkillers may in itself cause headaches or even lead to liver and kidney damage. Essential oils and herbs offer a much safer and more uplifting alternative.

Headaches can be treated by a range of different oils and herbs, depending on the specific origin of the headache. While many headaches are related to stress, their cause can sometimes be more precisely identified as connected to liver disorder (as is often the case with migraines), sluggish digestion, insomnia, cold & flu, upper respiratory allergies, caffeine withdrawal, eye strain, or menstruation, among others. For most effective headache treatment, it is therefore advisable to determine the headache origin, as the various oils and herbs recommended work according to different mechanisms.

Widely popular and perky peppermint oil (Mentha x piperita) is one of the more traditional aromatherapy remedies: apply it as a compress or straight, one or two drops to the back of the neck. Researchers at the neurological clinic of Universitat Christian Albrechts in Kiel , Germany recently determined its effectiveness in a double blind, placebo-controlled randomized crossover trial involving 32 healthy subjects. A significant reduction in pain was noticed, as well as positive mood alteration and cognitive performance improvement. This confirms Peppermint's reputation for being analgesic, uplifting and mentally clearing. Rosemary CT cineol works with Peppermint. These oils are in our Travel Kit.

For a more sensual approach, the honey-rich aroma of Jasmine flower oil (Jasminum officinale) can be used to quickly coax away the headache blues and leave one feeling relaxed and soothed. Application can either be straight to the temples-- apply a drop to one thumb, press two thumbs together, then place thumbs on temples for 10-second pressure point message, and finish by massaging your temple and forehead with your fingers; or diluted in a massage oil (works well blended with Rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis] hydrosol). Another 'sweet' remedy is a simple infusion of Violet flower/leaf (Viola odorata), particularly if the headache stems from sleep troubles. Sniffing the absolute is also recommended, but as this oil is so incredibly pricey, the infusion is much more practical. This oil is in our Love & Romance Kit.

A lesser-known remedy for headaches is an herbal infusion that was used by the Pomo Indians native to the western United States, that of Yerba Santa leaves (Eriodictyon californicum). Also called Holy Herb or Mountain Balm, this herb as long been a popular remedy for colds and asthma as well.

Latin Binomials of Essential Oils and Herbs Used for Headaches

Essential Oils:

Chamaemelum nobile (Roman Chamomile)

Citrus limon (per.) (Lemon)

Coriandrum sativum (Coriander) [migraine]

Jasminum officinale (Jasmine -- Moroccan is preferred)

Lavandula latifolia (Spike Lavender) [sleep, stress]

Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) [stress]

Mentha x piperita (Peppermint) [digestive]

Ocimum basilicum (European Basil) [nervous]

Origanum majorana (Sweet Marjoram) [congestive, menstrual, migraine]

Pelargonium graveolens (Geranium) [congestive]

Pimpinella anisum (Anise) [migraine]

Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary)

Viola odorata (Violet flower and leaf) [sleep]

Salvia sclarea (Clary Sage) [stress]

Zingiber officinale (Ginger) [cold &flu, migraine]

Infusions of singles or blends

Chamomile (C. nobile or M .recutita) flowers

Elder flowers (Sambucus nigra)

Eriodictyon californicum (Yerba Santa)

Linden flower tea or compress (Lime blossom) Tilia europaea

Rosemary flower/leaf (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Skullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia)

Stachys officinalis or S. betonica or Betony officinalis B Betony) [head congestion]

Tanacetum parthenium (Feverfew) [migraine]

Viola odorata (Violet flower and leaf)

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