Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Useful Antibiotic Herbs

By on 2:29 AM

Antibiotic Herbs
There are several all natural herbal antibiotics that you should learn more about, and keep on hand regularly. These herbs are extremely useful for dealing with almost any kind of infection or sickness, are quite inexpensive, and the pill forms can be stored for a year or more at room temperature.

Garlic - Garlic is a powerful antibiotic herb which should always been in your medicine or food cabinet. Garlic can be purchased in gelcap or liquid form for easy medicinal use, and fresh raw garlic can be used interchangeably as well. Garlic contains a natural compound known as Allicin, which is more powerful than standard Penicillin.

Garlic works wonderfully fighting infections both internally and out. It can be used by mouth for fighting bacterial infections inside your body such as a throat infection, ear infection, sinus infection, kidney infection, bladder infection and so on.

Garlic can also be used on the outside of your body, as an external topical application. This works wonderfully for killing fungus infections such as athlete's foot, vaginal yeast infections, and oral thrush. It is also effective as a treatment against staphylococcus and E. coli bacteria.

Goldenseal - Goldenseal is another very powerful natural antibiotic herb which works wonderfully for fighting almost any kind of infection. Goldenseal is most often used internally for throat, sinus, and ear infections. It's also excellent for any other infections including kidney, bladder and yeast.

Unlike garlic, putting goldenseal on a yeast or fungus infection externally doesn't normally kill the infection. This herb is best taken internally for best results, but it can be used in salves to help prevent infections of scraps, burns and wounds.

Goldenseal is a natural source of insulin, so diabetics and hypoglycemics need to take care in using it.

Echinacea - This is another excellent antibiotic herb which is particularly useful for glandular infections and problems. Echinacea is most often used for ear aches, strep throat and lymph gland problems. This herb is also known for helping to prevent colds and flu symptoms from becoming as severe, and lessening the length of suffering time during cold and flu season.

Echinacea also an antiseptic herb so it can be used in tea form as a sterilizing wash when needed.

Kelp - This herb is not commonly thought of as an antibiotic, but it acts as one in your body by stimulating your thyroid to produce more iodine. Iodine kills bad bacteria that causes sickness inside your body.

Kelp is quite useful against strep throat however, when used in tea form. Since this herb is high in natural iodine itself, drinking it in tea form will coat the throat, allowing the iodine to kill the strep bacteria.

Tukang Coding
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Update pada: 2:29 AM | Rating: 4.5

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